I am an engineer/researcher at Google. My primary research areas include machine learning and computer vision.
My recent works mainly investigate object detection, the distributions of adversarial examples for deep neural
networks, multi-task learning, visual question answering and segmentation, action recognition, and video summarization.
Google Research Seattle, USA 2020.01 - 2020.11
Self-supervised learning
Google Cloud&&AI Sunnyvale, USA 2019.09 - 2019-12
Object Detection: Improving object detection with selective self-supervised self-training
Microsoft Cloud&&AI Seattle, USA 2019.5 - 2019-8
Generative model: High-resolution image generation
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center New York, USA 2018.5 - 2018-8
Multi-task learning
Baidu Institute of Deep Learning (IDL) Beijing, China 2017.2 - 2017-8
Action Recognition: Our team won the 3rd place in Youtube-8M competition and 1st place in ActivityNet challenge which are prestigious competitions for action recognition
Microsoft Reseach Asia (MSRA) Beijing, China 2015.8 - 2016-7
Video Thumbnail Tools: I have taken part in the development of Microsoft Cognitive Service.
Hashing: Deep cross-modal hashing won the outstanding dissertation for a Bachelor’s degree.